3D printersNews

New AddUp 3D metal printer – FormUp 350 Evolution, enables 3D printing of metal parts with a height of 1 meter

For several months, in the sector of manufacturers of 3D printers for metal, a significant intensification of activities towards the construction of machines with large working areas has been observed. Other companies such as Eplus3D or SLM Solutions present 3D printers that allow the production of parts with a height of 1 meter in laser technologies. Now another company joins this group – AddUp, which announced the launch of a new laser 3D printer for powder fusion – FormUp 350 Evolution, with a working area of 350 x 350 x 1000 mm.

The new 3D printer is an enlarged version of the FormUp 350 New Generation system launched in 2021. The Evolution model has a 185% larger build volume and allows the printed parts to be stored in an inert environment to ensure part quality and powder reuse. Cooling and cleaning of unmelted metal powder parts are to be performed as background tasks while a new chamber is placed inside the machine to start the next job immediately.

AddUp is a company created by the French groups Michelin and Fives. It develops 3D metal printers used in the aerospace, defense and energy sectors for large, one-component structures in combustion chambers, aircraft structural elements, missile bodies and large – capacitive heat exchangers.

Additional features over the original FormUp 350 include a choice of lasers – each rated at up to 4500W, and a 3-axis laser scanner that can reach any point on the build plate. All parameters of the laser and the working chamber are completely open to optimization. Further safety features include self-contained powder and vapor filtration modules that prevent exposure to toxic or explosive substances and help maintain powder properties over several production runs.

Source: www.tctmagazine.com
Photo: www.addupsolutions.com (press materials / all rights reserved)

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