Stratasys announced a certification program for FDM 3D printer operators, which is also the first in a series of certification programs for users of the manufacturer’s 3D printers. The program aims to provide Stratasys industrial 3D printer users with a comprehensive education that supports their adoption of 3D printing throughout the additive manufacturing process using the FDM method. Clients who complete the courses will receive official Stratasys Academy certification to prove their skills.

Stratasys will introduce further certification programs in the field of 3D printing technology in the area of PolyJet, P3, SAF and stereolithography methods. Certification programs will enable you to gain knowledge of the 3D printing process – from software-based design, through 3D printer operations, to final part processing.

“Through our certification program, we help our customers successfully implement Stratasys technology, reduce implementation time and maximize the use of 3D printers,” said Jeff Mandl, director of knowledge management at Stratasys. bring a proven level of knowledge in the field of industrial 3D printing. Our certification program goes beyond one remote class. We provide a combination of self-pace, distance and classroom learning opportunities that elevate users to a proven, certified skill level. ”

The Stratasys FDM certification program is available to Stratasys 3D printer customer customers and is available online.

Source: Stratasys press materials

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