
Liqcreate Launches Bio-Med Clear, Biocompatible Resin for MSLA, LCD, DLP and SLA Desktop 3D Printers

Liqcreate – a Dutch manufacturer of light-curing resins for 3D printers, has announced the launch of Bio-Med Clear – a biocompatible material for 3D printing, dedicated to creating applications that require non-cytotoxic properties that do not cause hypersensitivity and irritation. The resin is transparent and can be used on most desktop 3D printers on the market, such as Phrozen, Elegoo, Creality3D or Anycubic, as well as more professional systems such as Asiga.

The manufacturer claims that items printed with Bio-Med Clear can pass biocompatibility tests in accordance with ISO standards: cytotoxicity (ISO 10993-5:2009), hypersensitivity (ISO 10993-10:2021) and irritation (ISO 10993-23:2021). At the same time, Liqcreate emphasizes that maintaining biocompatible properties is possible only when following post-processing guidelines. 3D prints can be disinfected using commonly used agents by steam sterilization in an autoclave. Standard steam sterilization programs have been validated at 121°C / 250°F and 134°C / 273°F.

To achieve the above-described properties and ensure biocompatibility, it is important that users follow Liqcreate’s verified instructions. First, before printing, users need to shake the resin bottle for 2 minutes and make sure the parts are 3D printed in a 20-25°C environment. During the washing and curing process, first remove the parts from the build platform and remove all supporting structures. Then it is recommended to wash the 3D printed parts for 2 minutes in IPA or ethanol in an ultrasonic cleaner. These parts should then be washed a second time in fresh IPA or ethanol for another 2 minutes. After washing, parts should be dried in ambient conditions for at least 60 minutes. Finally, it is recommended to cure the parts for 30 minutes at 60℃ in the curing unit.

Liqcreate advises that when manufacturing regulated medical devices using Bio-Med Clear resin, customers should contact a Liqcreate representative to discuss the application prior to use.


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