The protective face shield design for 3D printing, whose originator is Josef Prusa, has gained popularity all over the world – their elements are constantly 3D printed and passed on to representatives of medical units. Help in creating them is also provided by companies from the 3D printing industry, offering their processing capacity, materials and specialist knowledge.

ATMAT, a Polish-based company that manufactures industrial 3D printers, has also decided to help in this difficult situation by presenting its own alternative to a protective shield. The company participates in a nationwide assistance campaign for hospitals, 3D printing structures for protective shields and transferring them to units reporting supply shortages. Protective shields, in the current situation, are an important element of health care equipment, police officers or city guards. They minimize the risk of contracting a virus and allow you to safely perform risky work. The demand for them increases every day.

ATMAT specialists in cooperation with WMB International have designed an alternative solution in which you can use a foil or baking sleeve to cover your face. The idea proposed by the companies can be an alternative to the currently created 3D helmets, in situations where the priority is the speed of creating protection, and access to producers of PET and polycarbonate is difficult.

The protective mask can be assembled by yourself, according to the following instructional video:

WMB International plans to supply masks to medical wholesalers, and is also working on its own production of a disinfectant.

Magdalena Przychodniak
Editor-in-Chief of the 3D Printing Center. A biomedical engineer following the latest reports on bioprinting and 3D printing in modern medicine.

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