Zortrax S.A. made a decision to start the process of the so-called “Strategic options review” to support its development, based on the current business strategy in the 3D printing industry. The company will consider various options, in particular acquiring a financial or industry investor who will take a majority stake in its shares.

At the same time, Zortrax concluded an agreement with the consulting company VCP Polska (Vienna Capital Partners), which will support the company in the process of reviewing strategic options. Zortrax stipulates that at the moment it has not made any decisions related to the choice of a specific option, and moreover, it is not sure if and when such a decision will be made in the future?

So far, Zortrax has been (officially…) twice close to attracting a large strategic investor. In 2021, the company announced that it was in talks with Russian Rusatom Additive Technlogies (RusAT) about the sale of “no more than 50%” of the share capital for approximately USD 65 million. RusAT is part of the Russian TVEL oil company, which mainly deals with the extraction of uranium ore and the production of nuclear fuel. These talks broke off earlier this year, just after Russia’s attack on Ukraine.

In turn, in 2016, Dariusz Miłek – the owner of the CCC shoe chain and one of the richest Poles, announced his intention to take over a 15% stake in Zortrax for PLN 44 million. Ultimately, Miłek withdrew from this transaction, leaving only a fraction of the declared amount in the company.

Source: www.centrumdruku3d.pl

Paweł Ślusarczyk
CEO of 3D Printing Center. Has over 15 years' experience in buisiness, gained in IT, advertising and polygraphy. Part of 3D printing industry since 2013.

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