Developers of software for desktop 3D printers are constantly improving and expanding their solutions with new functions, ensuring users the highest quality of implemented projects. One of the most popular free 3D slicers is CURA, developed by the team of the Dutch 3D printer manufacturer Ultimaker. Now the latest version of their open-source software has been published – Cura version 4.5.

In the latest version of the solution, the authors have implemented a number of new functions and improved the quality of work with the software, removing, among others frequently reported errors. Dick Moerkens, CTO Ultimaker, emphasizes that the software is constantly being developed by both programmers and the open source community.

The user base is growing day by day by students, amateurs of additive technologies and professionals – many of them help in developing Cura software by proposing new functions and testing available settings. What new features have been implemented in the new version of Cura 4.5?

Increase of usability of available functions

  • along with the CURA software, the Ultimaker Marketplace has also been optimized, i.e. a place where we can download plugins for CURA and profiles for 3D printing materials for 3D printers from the Ultimaker series; created 3D printing profiles and downloaded plugins will be linked and synchronized with users Ultimaker account
  • the list of available 3D printers has been increased by another ten models,
  • changing the position of the layer number in the layer preview mode – for greater readability it is now displayed above the slider navigating subsequent layers,
  • project name in window title.

Improved slicing settings

  • possibility to define the distance between the model and the brim, which reduces the risk of damage to the printout when removing the brim (Brim Distance option),
  • adding the option of mixing materials for owners of a mixing nozzle – materials of different colors can be mixed to get a different color, being their combination,
  • optimizations for filling 3D printed details.

Improving work efficiency

  • improving version stability by implementing a better, more reliable software failure recorder,
  • optimizing the speed of reading values from previously saved 3D printing profiles.

The CURA software can be downloaded for free from the manufacturer’s website.


Magdalena Przychodniak

Editor-in-Chief of the 3D Printing Center. A biomedical engineer following the latest reports on bioprinting and 3D printing in modern medicine.