
WASP is organising workshops in 3D printing of… houses!

WASP is an Italian company, which really does a lot with flourish. During Additive Manufacturing Europe 2016 in Amsterdam it surprised everybody with its stand with giant 3D printers printing from pellets. It manufactures large-sized machines which can produce functional furniture, it is also famous for establishing an enormous technological village called Shamballa, where in the centre stands a 12-meter high BigDelta WASP. This time, the company decided to organise quite untypical workshops during which you will 3D print… a house.

Currently WASP is preparing itself for this enterprise, which will be a cycle of workshops (which will be held during weekends). WASP invites all the makers and everybody interested in participating and contributing in the building of the first house entirely printed with environmentally-friendly, locally found, materials (a mixture of terrain and straw kneaded with a mixing machine and a motor hoe).

The mixture of terrain and straw is light and strong. Now they have a 50-centimeter-high wall, extruding more than 400 quintal of material. The keyword of the technological village is “DIY”. We want to build a new economy vision based on a self-sufficient Society able to produce basic requirements in many fields: housing, food, employment, healthcare, education and art. During the event it will be used the newest 3D printer of the company – DeltaWASP 3MT which attracts with its giant size of 215 x 235 x 270 cm and working area of a diameter of 100 cm and the same height – a total hit in Amsterdam. It is also equipped with a nozzle to assemble a milling machine and replaceable extruder for 3D printing. It can print from pellets of a diameter from 2 to 6 mm and semi-fluid materials like: concrete, clay or geopolymers. Its maximal speed is 200 m/s and layer resolution amounts 0,5 mm

The first part of the workshops is taking place on Saturday (23.07.). The next workshops, always at weekends, will concentrate on vertical vegetable gardens (aromatic spirals), ceramic plates printing and kilns construction. Summer is a time, when you can participate in several picnics and open-air events, organised by local authorities. The idea of WASP rules and its totally different from another hackneyed forms of entertainment. The Italians like to attract attention and this initiative will meet a lot of interest and respect of the inhabitants of Massa Lombarda.

Source: press release

Paulina Winczewska

German philologist and translator, fanatic of the strangest and the most difficult foreign languages and culinary experiments, who is not afraid of new technologies and gadgets. Enthusiast of swimming.