3D printing craft

TOP 5 3D models for the home office, that will make your daily work easier

A large proportion of office workers have been working in the remote work system for over a month. Home office has its advantages, but – as you probably have convinced yourself – such a work system requires not only large decks of self-discipline and time management, but also a suitable workplace.

We have many more “distractions” in our homes than in our standard workplaces. Creating a workplace that will allow us to focus on the tasks we perform can help us work efficiently, whether we are alone in our home office, with a partner or with children.

Below we present a summary of, in our opinion, helpful 3D models that you can print to create at least a substitute for an office in your home and create a favorable atmosphere for it.


Desk Organiser by franmcardle,Thingiverse

The first and easiest way to create your own “office space” is to print a desktop organizer that will store all the necessary office supplies. In addition, it will keep you organized – no more looking for your pen when you need it most!

At Thingiverse you will find a number of different desk organizers, equipped with, among others in a phone stand, sticky notes holder or a few necessary pencils or pens. Choose the one that is best suited to your needs.

The organizer can also be printed on your children’s school supplies – perhaps decorating such a 3D print will take them some time and let you work peacefully.


In the 3D model repositories you can find various variants of smartphone stands, Source: Thingiverse

A simple gadget that we will print in tens of minutes and will allow us to use the work space. It will be useful both for controlling notifications on the phone and watching as well as recording video materials. It is worth reviewing the models available in the 3D model repositories to find the one that will fit your phone model.

It is worth paying attention to this type of model if you use the Pomodoro method (or similar) in your work, where the priority is to track the time of tasks performed, e.g. using a dedicated application.


3D models that will help maintain order in your cables, Source: Thingiverse

Our home offices are full of cables and wires. Headphones that get tangled up just before an important videoconference, or a phone charger that still gets lost somewhere … It is also worth taking care of the spin in this area and print small elements that will keep order. As with previous models, the repositories are full of free files that you can download, print 3D and enjoy non-tangled headphones.


Many parents who, under current conditions, can do their work from home, wonder how to manage children’s time and take care of them effectively enough to be able to do their work. When even building with LEGO blocks starts to get boring, it’s worth looking through the bases with 3D models and looking for puzzles that will catch kids’ attention.


Household Task Planner bynils_kal

Being with your partner 24 hours a day can make even unwashed garbage or unwashed dishes a reason for argument. In this regard, it is also worth focusing on proper planning and sharing responsibilities so as not to leave any understatements in the matter of responsibility for them.

At Thingiverse, a project is available, created by nils_kal, which allows you to create a simple system for separating household responsibilities – assigning responsibility using sliding buttons and marking which activities have been performed. Brilliant in its simplicity.

It’s worth searching the model repositories to find the ones that will complement your home offices. At Thingiverse, you can find other ideas for separating household chores or door signs, particularly relevant when the room turns into a conference room. I assure you that there are so many models that everyone will find something for themselves, not only to the home office – one safe dispenser for liquid soap, others a drawer lock with unhealthy snacks…


Photo by Ivan Radic on Foter.com / CC BY

Magdalena Przychodniak

Editor-in-Chief of the 3D Printing Center. A biomedical engineer following the latest reports on bioprinting and 3D printing in modern medicine.