E3D launches Revo high-flow printheads

The British manufacturer of components for 3D printers - E3D, has launched a high-flow Revo printhead. The "Revo" product line…

E3D acquires ZODIAC 3D

E3D - British manufacturer and supplier of accessories for 3D printers, in particular hotends, nozzles and extruders, announced the acquisition…

Sanjay Mortimer – co-founder of E3D-Online has passed away…

E3D-Online - the British manufacturer of high-quality extruders, printheads and countless accessories for the construction and servicing of amateur 3D…

E3D launches Hemera – dual extrusion extruder for FDM / FFF 3D printers

E3D - a well-known British manufacturer of accessories for 3D printers working in FDM / FFF technology, has introduced a…