
Polyformer – a free DIY device for converting PET plastic bottles into filament for 3D printers

Californian designer Reiten Cheng has created a machine for converting plastic PET bottles into a functional filament for FDM / FFF 3D printers. The device called Polyformer is released under an open-source license, and the vast majority of the structural parts are printable.

Reitan Cheng is a technical college graduate with a Mechanical Engineering profile and has completed several other projects combining analytics and mechanics to create innovative consumer products. He created, among others accessories for the Microsoft Surface smartwatch, a set of augmented reality (AR) glasses in the style of ASUS ROG, and over-ear headphones with high accuracy to fit the heads of users for a more spacious sound. He also developed a wet waste container called MUJI, which is a foldable cardboard bag that can be thrown directly into the garbage can without harming the environment.

The constructor’s latest solution is Polyformer – a solution for recycling plastic bottles consisting of PET. It is equipped with tools for cutting plastic, made of stacked bearings, which cut bottles into long ribbons, which are inserted into a head that melts them into a filament with a diameter of 1.75 mm. The end of the produced filament can be placed on the spool, which automates the entire process. The working chamber is closed, which eliminates the risk of accidentally touching the head during use. The design of the Polyformer forms the letter L, which allows for modularity and relatively simple design changes. The vertical position of the device also minimizes the amount of space it takes up.

Photo credit: James Chou via (all rights reserved)

The designer published a free Polyformer creation guide on GitHub. Since the plans were made public, early adopters have already reported various design improvements, which means the design is beginning to evolve.

The construction files are available here.

Source: via
Photos: James Chou via (all rights reserved)

Paweł Ślusarczyk

CEO of 3D Printing Center. Has over 15 years' experience in buisiness, gained in IT, advertising and polygraphy. Part of 3D printing industry since 2013.