3D printing craft

Optimization of supply chains using SLS technology

The C19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine and a number of minor events, such as the several-week blockage of the Suez Canal, resulted in the interruption of previously developed supply chains for world economies. Technology Applied, the largest Polish company providing 3D printing services using SLS technology, has begun to play an important role in revolutionizing supply chains by implementing innovative additive solutions.

One of the main challenges in traditional supply chains is the time-consuming and expensive production process. By using the SLS method, Technology Applied offers fast and flexible on-demand production, eliminating the need for long-term production plans and storing large amounts of inventory. The ability to rapidly prototype and produce final parts reduces time to market and lowers storage costs.

The company enables the production of personalized and customer-specific elements, which is especially important in industries where personalization is a key differentiating factor. Thanks to SLS, companies can quickly adapt products to individual customer needs, which allows for greater flexibility and responsiveness to changing market requirements. Additive manufacturing allows for more efficient use of materials, minimizing production waste. Compared to traditional manufacturing methods, 3D printing is significantly more economical, which translates into a reduction in the overall ecological footprint and production costs.

With local manufacturing enabled by 3D printing technologies such as SLS, Technology Applied helps companies shorten supply chains. Reducing dependence on international suppliers and being able to respond quickly to local needs significantly reduces the risk of supply disruptions.

Technology Applied, using advanced SLS technology, contributes to the optimization of the industrial supply chain. SLS not only enables faster and more flexible production, but also offers the possibility of personalization, reducing waste and shortening the supply chain. In an era of global competition and rapid change, the flexibility and efficiency provided by Technology Applied and 3D printing are becoming key success factors for businesses around the world.

Photo: www.ta.parts

Press Release