
Nano Dimension shareholders renew the terms of all directors

Nano Dimension shareholders voted at the company’s annual general meeting for the re-election of directors and did not accept the proposal of the main shareholder – Murchinson, who sought to remove them and replace them with other (“independent”) candidates.

The company’s CEO, Yoav Stern, announced that he would step down from the position of President of the Management Board before the General Meeting, but in the company’s latest announcement he is still referred to as its President. He also threatened to resign as CEO if any of the directors nominated by Murchinson were elected.

The shareholders’ vote at the Nano General Meeting took place after a months-long dispute between the Nano Dimension authorities and the company’s largest shareholder – Murchinson. Murchinson again raised his concerns about the company’s current management and stated that management changes were necessary to maximize its value. Previously, Nano Dimension made numerous attempts to acquire Stratasys, which ended in failure. The company has since acquired British software company Additive Flow.

Following the announcement of the results of the shareholder vote at the Annual Meeting, Stern commented: “We are pleased that shareholders supported the continued work of all of the Company’s directors. The entire Management Board appreciates the trust our shareholders have placed in our leadership and strategy. We remain focused on maximizing long-term value by executing our disciplined M&A strategy, while delivering strong organic growth through our leading technology and innovation efforts. We appreciate the dialogue we have had with all shareholders throughout this process and remain committed to continuing this commitment in the future.”


Press Release