Maggy – 3D printed device that will help maintain social distance

The COVID-19 pandemic remains a real threat. The increase in the incidence, recorded not only in Poland but also around the world, made the return of some restrictions a realistic scenario. Specialists still remind you to keep the social distance, not less than 1.5 meters. For those who find it difficult to follow it, the Belgian start-up Gumption Group has created Maggy – a gadget that helps to keep a safe distance from other people in public spaces.

The SLS technology was used for the production of the device. Along with the growing popularity of the solution, Gumption Group has established cooperation with PrintPlace, which offers 3D printing services in SLS technology, represented by Sinterit 3D printers. The technology of laser sintering of polymer powders allowed to meet an increasing number of orders, enabling efficient production of the device structure.

How does Maggy work? This inconspicuous gadget emits a light, beep or vibrates when it is near the owner of another device. All thanks to Bluetooth 5.1 wireless connectivity, but the device is also compatible with a phone application that allows you to monitor whether we are good at maintaining social distancing.

To increase the efficiency of using the device, a dedicated platform has been created that allows you to track the location of devices. As the manufacturer says, this function may be useful, for example, for managers who watch over the security of companies.

Before the market premiere of the device, Maggy was entered into the EUvsVirus Hackathon competition, where over two thousand projects from all over Europe competed against each other. The device was awarded in the Business Continuity, Protecting Employees category.

As Bart Embrechts from Gumption Group says, shortly after the premiere of the device, the phones in the company stopped. As many as 45,000 orders for the gadget were placed by companies only from the company’s home country, ie Belgium. It was then that the company turned to PrintPlace, which by offering 3D printing services in SLS technology, gave design freedom and the possibility of cost-effective low-volume production. As part of the project, cooperation was also established with a specialist from Sinterit, who allowed the use of the maximum potential of their device.

The gadget is commercially available, its price is € 40.

Magdalena Przychodniak

Editor-in-Chief of the 3D Printing Center. A biomedical engineer following the latest reports on bioprinting and 3D printing in modern medicine.