3D printers

How proprietary tools printed on Markforged 3D printers solved a Jeep Wrangler design problem and helped create a new business

Some, even the best products have some irritating or unfriendly features. For Matthew Wolak, the owner of the 2016 Jeep Wrangler off-roader, the problem turned out to be the large plastic screws holding the removable panels on the roof of the car. Their disassembly was very problematic from an ergonomic point of view and discouraged the owner from using the car to its full potential. However, Wolak, who worked at GSC, a company distributing Markforged 3D printers, decided to solve it using 3D printing technology, and in the process created a completely new, own business …

The problem that Wolak decided to face affects the Jeep Wrangler models produced in the years 2007 – 2019. In order to remove the roof panels from them, you need to unscrew two large plastic screws – unfortunately, their awkward location and size mean that you need to tighten the your hand and turn your wrist in a way that is very uncomfortable. Wolak describes himself as a problem solver – he spent the first half of his professional career as a Solidworks software consultant, and for several years he has been selling Markforged solutions. During this time, he visited many industrial companies, helping their employees replace improvised manufacturing solutions with precision-made tools printed on 3D Markforged printers.

Following the same scheme, Wolak designed and printed two tools for himself – a wrench with a crank and a mounting plate for a screwdriver. Unlike screw design, Matthew’s tools are designed with ergonomics in mind for the human hand.

The production of tools is always carried out on Markforged 3D printers – Onyx One or Mark Two. A high quality surface finish was a key requirement for these tools as they are used by consumers. Matthew Wolak started selling his tools at regional Jeep events in February 2022. Based on the positive feedback from customers, he also decided to start selling his tools online.

Wolak believes that the Markforged 3D printer line enables entrepreneurs to implement ideas using 3D printing technology, opens the door to constructions that have never been possible before.

The distributor of Markforged in Poland is 3D Phoenix. Ask what can change in your business: info@3dphoenix.pl.

Source: www.markforged.com

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