3D printing software

EOS is launching an “augmented reality” system for its training courses

EOS – manufacturer of industrial 3D printers for metal and powdered plastics, is also famous for a very extensive training program. Operating additive manufacturing on an industrial scale is quite a challenge, but EOS has the resources to prepare companies for this task in a very efficient way. The manufacturer has introduced some interesting improvements to its educational system, including an “augmented reality” application designed specifically for the metal 3D printer, the EOS M290.

The German manufacturer believes that the new application in conjunction with the existing training programs can significantly reduce the implementation time for new 3D printer operators – from “a few months” to just a few weeks. This is quite a significant facilitation, which would enable the production company to recruit personnel to work on the implemented machines much faster.

The app provides a virtual view of the EOS M290 system and provides the following possibilities:

  • getting to know the main components of a 3D printer and working with it in real size
    operation of the EOS M290 system components and learning about its key features
  • learn about the key safety concepts when working with EOS 3D printers
    creating a sequence of configuration steps and unloading work in the production system
  • knowledge tests in the independent work mode
  • onboarding employees to work before the 3D printer is physically installed in the company.

EOS offers an augmented reality app in three tiers and is available for download from the iOS App Store or the Google Play Store. There is a free version available, but it only provides very limited functionality. Two additional paid levels provide full functionality, but only one allows for “remote training with an AM expert”. The price of the premium version is 990 € and the platinum is 1289 €.

EOS assumes that if it is successful with the application, it will extend it to other models of 3D printers it has on offer.

Source: www.eos.info

Paweł Ślusarczyk

CEO of 3D Printing Center. Has over 15 years' experience in buisiness, gained in IT, advertising and polygraphy. Part of 3D printing industry since 2013.